This website is about a city named Dehri On Sone in Rohtas District of Bihar. This website will help local people of our city as well as those who visiting here for the first time. You will be able to find all the important information, nearby tourist attractions, markets, travel info, accommodation, local news and everything which will help you know better about our city.
Dehri On Sone is an Industrial city with historical significance as well. As a website our team is trying hard to bring back all the historical moments back to the place where people have somehow forgotten about their glorious past.
Dehri-Dalmianagar Nagar Parishad is a Municipal body in our city which ranked 1st in all over Bihar during 2020 Swachh Survekshan Ranking.
Our Motto
To reach each and every people so that they can know about this city and about it’s historical, industrial significance which was not only limited to Bihar but also it exceeds its importance to Asia level.
Stay connected.